Actor Critic Cartpole Coarse Search
Name: Actor Critic Cartpole Coarse Search
Date completed: 02/04/18
Description: Coarse search to start narrowing down on a good benchmark set of params for AC in this environment. A series of ablation studies will follow.
Hypotheses: N/A
Prerequisites: N/A
Algorithms: Actor Critic with Generalized Advantage Estimation, episodic training
Environments: Cartpole
Specs: ("actor_critic.json", "actor_critic_cartpole_coarse_search")
Running instructions:
"actor_critic.json": {
"actor_critic_cartpole_coarse_search": "search"
Commit: c4538fc9c6e6cd5f1fb91ba742d95225ca4ad4a1
Results summary:
- adding entropy has a small improvement on speed
- gamma in range 0.9 - 0.925 improves speed
- 4 iterations of training per batch marginally best
- the smaller the network, the faster learning is. Single layer network with 16 nodes appears sufficient for this task and algorithm
- Separate params yields slightly stronger and more stable algorithms, but at the expense of speed
- Learning rate of 0.01 to 0.03 appears best
- Relu marginally better than sigmoid activations
data: ActorCritic_CartPole-v0_2018_02_04_013652
data: actor_critic_cartpole_coarse_search_2018_01_30